Best Logos in Sports: NFC

This is the third article in the Best Logos series. We all give our picks for the best logo used by each NFC team, with a brief reason provided for some of our favorite choices. As always, a shoutout to Chris Creamer's and LogoServer for providing us with the logo history!

Order from Top to Bottom, Left to Right: (Nick, Zach (top)/ Sam, Eric (bottom))


Nick: I like the new bird better because it just looks more fierce.

Zach: I'm not a big fan of outlines. The clean jerseys that came with it don't hurt either.

Sam: The new bird is crisp

Eric: Although not a huge change from today's logo, the original is clearly better looking. The current logo is too streamline aerodynamic, one of the NFL's logo issues.


Nick: The other primary Falcons logo reminds me of East Kentwood far more than Atlanta. 

Zach: The simple jerseys and the early years of arguably the best football player (Mike Vick) give this logo the nod.

Sam: The old one just reminds me too much of EK for me to like it

Eric: Their entire logo history may be one of the worst in the NFL. I picked the original logo if it's on a red helmet that made the logo better, and because the current logo reminds me of the Blue Falcon from Saturday morning cartoons.


Nick: Very limited logo history, but how can I go against the original cat?!

Zach: The rebrand was unnecessary, this one was better

Sam: Original logo was perfect.. not sure why they needed to change.

Eric: Again, it was an expansion in the "black uniform" era. They could have done so much better...another logo change that was made simply for just changing, as the original was better.


Nick: This is just iconic. 

Zach: The only thing I've ever known the Bears to be

Sam: Hope they never screw with this one. if it ain't broke, don't fix it

Eric: Great use of the color orange.


Nick: Again, just a classic logo. Some things should never change.

Zach: One of the most iconic logos in all of sport.

Sam: Shouldn't and won't change

Eric: Another timeless classic. Everything about their look is great, including their uniforms. Even their wordmark logo is the same, and that is awesome.


Nick: If only the Lions listened to the advice about keeping something that works. This logo not only brought "success" but it didn't ever incorporate black as a team color.

Zach: Plain simple silhouette of the Lion, without any of thick outlines or markings.

Sam: Present day logo is perfect

Eric: The Lions had some classic uniforms with this logo and the Honolulu blue and silver. The tweaks to the current logo were unnecessary, but thankfully they got rid of the black outline.


Nick: Green Bay got the memo. Don't fix what ain't broke...

Zach: The only thing good about this team are the simple and timeless logo and uniforms.

Sam: Can't agree with any of the others. I really don't like this all that much, but it's the best they've got.

Eric: Although they are probably my least favorite team, I love everything about the Packers' logo. I love the color scheme of green and yellow, and the outline of the "G" is a great touch. Like the Cowboys, I'm glad they haven't changed and I wish more teams would follow this pattern.


Nick: When I see the Ram from the return to LA, I think of St Louis. To be honest, I still think they're in STL.

Zach: I like the modern ram. This logo also came with the best NFL uniforms. I like how they still used the old school colors in a modern way.

Sam: Right there with ya ZT. Quite the shame the Rams are going away from it so quickly.

Eric: The current logo is such a disaster, I have so many strong negative words for it. Such a classic look to include the helmet in the logo.


Nick: This logo rocks. One of my favorites in all of the NFL. I also love the matte purple helmets.

Zach: Great color combo with purple, gold and white. I'm glad they didn't mess it up.

Sam: Always have loved the purple and yellow... some of the best uniforms in the game.

Eric: The NFC Central had the best uniforms in the league, and this included the Vikings. Although there are slight changes in the current logo, I am thankful they haven't strayed away from the helmet.


Nick: This logo stands the test of time. Never change New Orleans.

Zach: I just learned that this is called the "fleur-de-lis" and this is the only logo they've ever had. I do think they went back to the darker color.

Sam: The alternate logo with the boot with both the logo and "Saints" in it is beyond awesome

Eric: I wish they would go back to the darker gold/bronze, but this logo rocks.  


Nick: The Giants have had some decent wordmark logos, and I think the full "Giants" is the way to go.

Zach: I enjoy the red outline, so can you please use the red uniforms again? The logo and uniforms are simple and that's the way to do it.

Sam: The full Giants with the underline is for sure the best. I've never really been fond of the y in the "NY" logo

Eric: One of the few current logos I prefer. The red outline was a nice touch on a logo from the 60s and 70s. Also, I just realized that they have used their current logo for 20 years.


Nick: I think you just need to read Eric's commentary. He hit the nail on the head.

Zach: Big sucker for helmet logos, and this is one of the best helmets in NFL history.

Sam: I also love helmet logos.. I really wish the Eagles would just go back to the kelly green altogether. Winning a super bowl in the current green many have sailed that ship, though.

Eric: First, I wish they would go back to the kelly green and the iconic helmets. This logo is impressive considering how difficult it is to make something great out of a common mascot.


Nick: I think about Terrell Owens with this logo, and that's enough for me.

Zach: Although I like the new shade of red used currently, I don't like the gold in the logo or the slightly altered font.

Sam The present day logo is fine,,, but I think the Niners are badly in need of a new one.

Eric: One of the most classic uniforms in all of the NFL. I love the gold and red combo, I'm glad they have de-emphasized the black logos.


Nick: I love this logo and I wish that they would bring it back.

Zach: Although it has typically been the same logo, the uniforms and colors break the tie over the current regime.

Sam The modern era logo with the navy blue backdrop takes the cake. Can't help but think about how dominate the LOB was.

Eric: I cannot the stand the use of the highlighter green. The original logo is awesome, unique colors and logo design. The royal blue and kelly green match great and nobody else uses it.


Nick: The creamsicle uniforms and this logo need to be their logo every single game.

Zach: I have never seen more hate towards such an amazing log and colors and uniforms. I don't know why anyone would choose a flag with a skull and crosswords over this...

Sam: These 3 left nothing more for me to say. They covered it all.

Eric: Is there any question that Tampa Bay got rid of the best color combination of all time? The red and creamsicle orange are clearly my favorite. Their changes from this have been a disaster, although I will give them credit for using pewter as a color.


Nick: It is politically incorrect in the eyes of some, but it is truly iconic. The controversy puts the Redskins in a weird spot because they have built so much brand recognition with this look.

Zach: If the logo goes away due to the politics, then so many logos will be in jeopardy. This is iconic.

Sam: It's really a shame the team hasn't had more success with how awesome this classic look is.

Eric: Again, Washington uses a classic color combo. It is recognizable with so much history. Again, this team does well by never changing logos/colors.

BONUS: ONE FROM THE VAULT (Team that Relocated/Renamed Themselves)

The St. Louis Rams (1995-2015) incorporated the arch in their first primary logo.

The St. Louis Cardinals (1960-1987) also incorporated the arch in this classic. 

The Chicago Cardinals (1920-1959) came up with an interesting "double C" logo.

The Cleveland Rams (1937-1945) used this variation of the ram. Rams and Cardinals on the move a lot eh?


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